We woke up on Tuesday morning to actual SNOW! It was super exciting for this California girl. Being from Fresno, the closest thing to snow we ever got was fog. Yeah, I know, it’s not close. Drew and Austin were thrilled to find out school was canceled. At 6:30, I went into Drew’s room and opened up his blinds. He looked out and yelled “SNOW!!!!”

When I got to Austin’s room, he looked out his window and was equally excited. At that time the TV was still saying Conway Public Schools were not closed. Drew was going crazy! He begged me to let him stay home from school anyway. Thankfully, school was canceled.
The boys had a fun filled morning of playing in the snow and experiencing all the new things, like making snowmen and snowball fights.
Yes, I have failed to mention Brady…
My Brady, my dear, dear Brady. When I woke him up, and opened up his blinds, his eyes lite up and he said “Snow!” Then not two beats later, “Will you make me breakfast?”
He was not such a big snow fan. He said it was cold. He did warm up to it a bit more after the actual snow stopped falling, but he was never as excited as his brothers.
Drew’s yarn is looking really great! I will have some pictures up soon of it. ā™„

5 thoughts on “SNOW”

  1. wasnt it great… and there may be more!! i hope to have my pics of it up soon. we up playing in it at 630. the kids had never seen it and we had to get their chance in before school ya know. šŸ™‚

  2. Hahah – what a face on your little one. Priceless. I felt that way when my boss called and said “we’re opening at noon”. What’s the point… really. Employee morale would have gone sky high had they just closed all day šŸ™‚

  3. Aww! And guess what! They are calling for more snow this week. ^-^

    Can’t wait to see his yarn since the other two were so cool! I just got my first batch of plain white roving in so I may be emailing you for some help! ^-~

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