For those of you who could not make the Meet N Greet yesterday, here are some faces to put with shop names!
Listing from top left: TheTwistedPurl’s Sister (Twisted Sister LOL), ParrotiseBeads’ friend (hopefully she will have her own shop soon!),
TheTwistedPurl (me),
ParrotiseBeads, Divaschmiva’s Friend, Dyzart’s Friend,
Bottom Left:
I had such an amazing time meeting all the AREtsy Girls that were able to attend! Such an amazing group of creative women. I felt honored to have all of them in my home. I wish, WISH, wish I had got a picture of all of our art work spread out. It was an amazing site!
Here are a few more pics:
Sally and Debbie “oooooooing and ahhhhing” over ParrotiseBeads GORGEOUS glass bead work…you really need to get some of those listed girl!

Good friends, good food, good times!
I do hope we are able to get together again soon. I really enjoyed the whole day. My voice is STILL gone! LOL At least back to typing will save the vocal chords a bit.
Poor little Daisy was beside herself with all the activity. A few ladies had said they really wanted to see her. So, I figured I’d let the diva dog make an apperance. Poor baby girl, she was so scared she shook. As breif apperance as it was…she had to be a small part of the fun.
It was a bummer some of the lovely AREtsy Gals couldn’t make it. But there is ALWAYS next time! Hope everyone has a fantastic day. Enjoy the SuperBowl…I won’t be yelling at the TV during the game like normal. Hopefully my voice comes back soon. Much love ♥
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I don’t think I ever properly thanked you for opening your home to us for the meeting. Thank you! You are a wonderful hostess, your boys are adorable, and your jack/rat is too cute for words! I had a great time!
BTW, you’ve just been tagged on my blog!
Thanks so much for hosting! Your house is too cute ^-^ and so is your family.
I really enjoyed getting together with everyone and can’t wait to do it again!
hi i just found your shop on etsy and saw that you were here in conway too. i just signed up for the yahoo group because i am eager to meet local artsy crafters.
i love your yarn too. i crochet a lot and have trouble finding colors i picture in my head fron hobby lobby. maybe i willhave to call you up sometime. 🙂
Thank you again for opening your home up to all of us! I had such a wonderful time, I had a bit of a crafting high all after noon! It must have been all that wonderful artwork laid out for everyone to see…