Drum Roll Please…

First up is Austin’s roving turned to yarn. Here it is on two yarn bobbins. I tugged the roving in half and spun up each half…hence the different colors. Here it is on the swift. Austin looked at it and he said “I will call it Green Eyed Monster”
Green Eyed Monster has now set and dried and is ready to go up for sale. Keep an eye out for it on Etsy!
Next was Brady’s. He insisted on wearing it and being in the picture. Silly Boy!
He has called his “Frosty the Snowman” Not too sure where that came from but hey, whatcha gonna do!

Brady’s has now set and is still hanging to dry.
I believe I saved the very best for last! The colors on Drew’s roving is so very bold. I feel like it will make the best yarn yet. I have not spun it yet. That is tonight’s project. Hopefully, I will have pics of it up tomorrow. ♥

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