Christmas Aftermath!

Wheew! What a crazy last couple of weeks! I tried to blog my Crafting Christmas Days…we can now see that didn’t work out so well. I ended up with a million knitting projects to finish and no time to sleep, much less blog.

I was blessed with a house full of family throughout the Holidays! What a wonderful thing! My Mom and Step-Dad (and Casey their dog) came down to visit. I am quite certain Daisy was only still when she took 30 second power naps before tackling Casey again. Poor Casey, I am sure he is sleeping better than he ever has right now!

My sister spent the night on Christmas Eve…poor girl. She is now certain she is on the ten year plan before she gives me any nephews or nieces. Austin and Drew were up all night long. They heard Santa a million times! Megan had to yell at them to get back to bed a bunch. She woke up a tad grumpy, but quickly got over it!

My Dad and step-mom also came over Christmas Day and had dinner with us. A dear friend once told me, you know you are truly blessed when you have more friends and family over than you have seats for them.

This was the first Christmas we were all together in over 10 years. Ten years!!! It was so nice. This is why we moved to Arkansas, family! At one time during the day, my Aunt and Uncle stopped by with my grandmother. It is just so nice to have family close by.

I do miss my California Family. My dear friends at The Cross Church and Susan and the crew. New Year’s Eve will be tough! I do wish we were at Cristal and Trankie’s, drinking too much, and pissing off the neighbors with illegal fireworks, smuggled in from Arkansas. This year, we will most likely be in bed before the New Year rings in.

What an amazing year 2007 has been! I have learned to trust God more than ever before. I am finally running the business I have always dreamed of. Drew and Austin are both doing amazing in school and adjusting nicely. We have a great (overly excited) dog…did someone say Crack Rat? And a beautiful house. What a year!!!

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