Category: The Twisted Purl

Conway Art Walk

Title: Conway Art Walk
Location: Village at Hendrix in front of ZaZa’s
Link out: Click here
Description: We will be set up in front of ZaZa’s for the 2nd Conway Art Walk. Come out and support your local artists. For more details please visit the Conway Art Walk’s Facebook Page:
Start Time: 05:00
Date: 2012-04-13
End Time: 09:00

Soap Soap Soap and more Soap to make Felted Soap (more soap)

Since we started offering soaps in bulk, they have really taken off!  Things have been pretty crazy around my household.  My hands have been super clean too, without a doubt.

Back of my Tahoe FULL of Soap

I had to share with you and I really can’t believe no one asked.  The other day, I went to Sam’s Club and purchased 328 bars of soap.  Walking all over Sam’s Club with that many bars of soap in your cart definitely gets you a few strange looks.  I was patiently waiting for someone (ANYONE) to ask me what the heck I was going to do with all those soaps.  But aisle after aisle, no one asked.

Figuring the checkout person surly would ask, I headed to the lines.  After scanning everything, she handed me my card and said have a nice day.  No questions!  Even the nice lady who looks over your receipt at the exit didn’t even bat an eyelash at my 328 bars of soap.  Shesh!

So, sadly, I went home with all my soap without telling a soul I was a germ a phobic.  My plan was to let them know I only use the bar of soap once and then throw it away.  Then laugh and tell them I was just kidding and I make felted soap.  Guess folks just assumed I was strange and were scared to ask.  😉

Guess there’s always next week!

So, if you really do have a phobia to germs, please feel free to buy lots of Felted Soap from The Twisted Purl…you can even use them once and throw them away.  LOL  awww I know, I’m horrible…but it’s all in good clean fun.  😉