Category: The Twisted Purl

Arkansas Battle of the Brands The Twisted Purl: Spread the Word to Win

Win goodies from @The Twisted Purl Whole Line Giveaway plus help her win the Battle of the Brands by voting Handmade all the way!

Battle of the Brands Celebration

Final Round:  The Twisted Purl vs Whole Hog Cafe

Help us win this!!!

What a fun ride this has been!  In case you haven’t already seen me squealing everywhere I can about this competition, Arkansas Sourcelink hosted an epic Battle of the Brands for our entire state.  The Twisted Purl has been the underdog from the start and has surprisingly landed in the final round.  Everyone loves handmade!  If you would like to learn more about our journey please check out this previous blog post.

We’re in one last head to head battle versus the oh so yummy Whole Hog Cafe. Voting is still live until April 12 at 4pm CST and I really could use a quick 2 second vote.  Click here to help take handmade yarn all the way and vote for The Twisted Purl.

Win goodies from @The Twisted Purl Whole Line Giveaway plus help her win the Battle of the Brands by voting Handmade all the way!


If you do any of the following you’ll be entered to win your choice of a skein of Handspun Yarn, a bar of Felted Soap, or a set of our Felted Dryer Balls.  Winner Randomly selected after voting for this final round of Battle of the Brands is over on April 13, 2013 at 4:00 pm CST.  You can enter as many times as you like!  You can do one of these things, or do them all!  Each counts as an entry to the giveaway.

TWEET IT!  Tweet about The Twisted Purl in the Battle of the Brands and be sure to include @TheTwistedPurl so I see you.  OR you can simply Re-Tweet this:

I just helped @TheTwistedPurl in the #BattleoftheBrands with a quick vote: and you can too. Handmade for the win!


PIN IT! Pin any photo from this page and be sure to include @The Twisted Purl in your comment. (make sure you follow me on Pinterest so I see the tag)


INSTAGRAM IT!  Share a picture from our page and tag us @TheTwistedPurl use the hashtag #TheTwistedPurl or make your own funny Meme about Why Yarn is better than BBQ…or say something on Notepad….or…well you get the picture.  I just want to see it!

COMMENT ON IT!  Leave a comment on this blog post and let us know you voted.  Share the voting link: and have people vote for The Twisted Purl.  In a comment below let us know where you shared it and that’s another entry for the Giveaway.

 Tell anyone & everyone

Handmade all the way for the win!!!

Final Four Battle of the Brands & The Twisted Purl

Please share and tell everyone you know!!! We need lots of help this week. Voting ends at 4:00 pm CST on Friday, April 5th. The Twisted Purl is an independently owned, handmade yarn and fiber company. It only takes a couple seconds to vote. Please go to and help this small company get to the top two brands in the state. The Twisted Purl has already come so far!!! Thank you for the help.


Arkansas Battle of the Brands Round 4 Vote for The Twisted Purl


Today’s the very last day of Round 4 in the Arkansas Battle of the Brands.  I have to say I am just absolutely blown away to have made it as far as I have. This could not have happened without you.  THANK YOU!!!  For a Fiber Business of one to make it into the Epic Top 8 Brands in the entire state is absolutely mind-blowing!

To recap, if you are just joining us…in Round One we beat out Straightright Boxing and Fitness company in Little Rock.  So, yay!  We beat the boxers!!!

Round Two, we were up against the oh so yummy Diamond Bear Brewery.  We pushed and pushed for votes and somehow got through the week.  I raise a toast to the best Brewery in our state.

Round Three, The Twisted Purl had to look down the barrel of the creators of the infamous Red Ryder BB Gun from The Christmas Story.  Daisy Outdoor Products was tough competition but we got through without any bullet wounds.

Round Three was exciting.  We Yarn Bombed a Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun:

There was an article on the FRONT PAGE of the Log Cabin Democrat about The Twisted Purl and our Battle so far.  That article can be found here.

The gentlemen running the contest from Arkansas Sourcelink were also on THV channel 11 and they talked a lot about The Twisted Purl.  That video is here.

To learn more about my competition this week, Mountain Valley Spring Water, and my company as well.  Arkansas Sourcelink released a blog post about our companies.  That post is found here.

I need you NOW more than ever:

Voting ends today at 4pm CST for Round 4.  If you have not already cast a simple vote for The Twisted Purl in Bracket 3 at

A huge thank you to our wonderful Facebook Fans, Twitter Followers, Pinterest Repinners, and Instagram Peeps. Lots of love to all of my phenomenal friends and family who have posted and reposted getting everyone they know voting.

Also, another big thank you to Natalie Redding of Namaste Farms, who helped me spread the word and was generous enough to host a giveaway for any of her fans who voted for The Twisted Purl.  Nat you are amazing!!!  By the way, if you EVER need fiber, she has the most exquisite in the world.

Without all of you we would have not even made it past the first round.  You guys rock!!!

Let’s see if we can get The Twisted Purl into the Final 4!!!  Please vote!!!


A Fiber Fun Weekend with Friends

What a great weekend! On Friday, we found out The Twisted Purl beat Daisy Outdoor Products in the Battle of the Brands. We still need you help! Please vote for The Twisted Purl in Bracket 3 at

This week we are up against Mountain Valley Spring Water.  That’s another BIG BRAND!  I am still just in shock and amazement my little ole company of one has made it this far in the competition.  We could not have done this without you.  Here are a few funny meme photos fans have made for us:



Here’s a beautifully chosen basket of fluff selected by Jeanetta Darley.  It turned into the below yarn:




This yarn is available here.