Category: The Twisted Purl

Five Reasons why Rejection makes you Better

WHAT? Rejected???  NOOOOOO!!!!!

Recently, I applied for a really big craft show.  Big like they get 10K apps and only take like 250ish people.  Big like 90K attendees!  I applied and was rejected.  Yes, it was a crazy long shot. I’d honestly prepared myself mentally for the rejection, but it still stinks.

I’ve put myself out there for some pretty wild things.  Some, I’ve succeeded big time!  Others, I have failed. The point is I tried.  Running a business you can’t just sit on the couch (no matter how comfy it may seem) and do nothing. Life is not meant to be played on the sidelines. You have to put yourself out there.  EVEN if it means running smack dab into a big ole rejection email, phone call, snail mail….whatever!  You have to do it.

In life, it totally sucks to be rejected. I could crawl into bed and not get out or go get drunk over sushi (I might do that anyway). I could just assume my work stinks and go back to work for the insurance industry (blah).  Yes, rejection is not easy, but rejection is not the end!

 Five Reasons why Rejection Makes you Better:

1. Rejection is an opportunity to do something different.

Often, you were rejected because there are better things planned for you instead.  If I had been accepted in this coveted craft fair, I was going to have to leave my family for 5 days. Leave them on their own to get to school, and feed themselves (Lord knows the hubby is lacking in the kitchen skills department). My poor dog would have no one to let her out during the day. The cost of the trip would have been enormous!  Instead, I am focusing on a different event here in town. I get to stay at home with my kiddos and still go do something fun.  When you get rejected, look for the good!  They say rejection is just God’s way of redirection.

2. Rejection is a reason to look at your work and your practices.

You know, you might just not be ready!  As a business and a person we all have to grow up.  You start small, and gain experience with each encounter you have. It’s okay to not be the very best.  We all start somewhere.  Babe Ruth had to pick up the bat for the first time.  Fake it until you make it, fake it until you become it, ask questions and learn so you can grow into it!  I took this rejection as an opportunity to look at how my website runs, what my brand says, and how I can make that better.

3. Rejection is final. Once you know there is no more waiting.

Ugh!  Waiting.  It’s the worst.  I refreshed my email, obsessively for days! It didn’t help the notifications came out a day late.  At least once you get the answer, you know.  No more waiting.  Yay!!!

4. Rejection is way better than regret.

How many times have you not done something (or done something…yikes) and then regretted it?  It can take years to get over regret but in comparison just a brief amount of time to get over rejection.  I’d rather drown my sorrows over a beer, then wonder what if for a year.

5. Rejection is the sour detour on the sweet road of success. Don’t let it be a road block.

In business especially, success is a long road.  Do not let rejection be a road block for you!  Carry on with your head held high. Just because you were told no doesn’t mean you are not on the right path. You just might have got there a bit too early or might need to do a few more things to continue with your journey.

With all that being said….was I sad? Yep! But, I know in my heart that show was not the one for me at this time.  We did go have sushi, sake, and beer though 😉 cheers!!! That made it all better.

I wish you the very best of luck with future rejections, hope you find the silver lining (it’s always there), and to continue down the path to success.  Would love to hear how you handle rejection.  Please leave me a comment below.  ♥

So Happy I Could Dye

It’s hard to believe this past week was only my second week at The Twisted Purl… I’ve learned SO much in such a short amount of time.  Thanks to Cyndi, I’m already comfortable with a number of terms and pieces of equipment that, just two weeks ago, I didn’t know existed.  I feel as though I’ve been initiated in to the secret world of fiber arts, and I’m loving every second of it.

Tuesday, after discussing a number of important topics– namely women entrepreneurs and haunted mansions– Cyndi put me to work practicing and perfecting techniques I learned last week.  I relied on trusty old ROY-G-BIV to make several carded batts, and labeled many many felted soaps.  Although the above tasks are somewhat repetitive, I sincerely enjoy them.  In truth, repetitive tasks tend to be my favorite.  There is peace in the process, in addition to that lovely feeling I get when creating anything with my hands.  In the short time I’ve been an intern, I’ve already noticed that after a morning of creative activity at The Twisted Purl, I face the rest of my day with a calmer, more joyful attitude.

On Thursday, Cyndi taught me a few methods for dyeing and painting wool roving.  As usual, I was hesitant about choosing my colors, and unconfident in my final product.  I am, however, excited to see how they look as carded batts and/or spun yarn! Cyndi said that if she has time, she might spin one of them this weekend (ahh!).  Although I’m a little worried, I’m not too worried, because if it’s really ugly we can just sell it to my mom. I don’ have a picture of the first roving I dyed (which was very “Springy”), but the second is pictured below in the shape of a pizza.

Yeah, I know, it kind of looks like that rainbow bread they used to sell at the grocery store.

And here it is again, steaming to set the colors:



My favorite roving I dyed, though, was a solid color “in-bowl” experiment.  It turned out (I think) to be a nice lavender.  We shall see! Also, while all of this dyeing was going on, Cyndi managed to learn how to arm knit and made a scarf using the technique. I can’t keep up with this lady! Next week, she is going to help me make a more “artful” carded batt, and my homework is to come up with a theme to base the colors on.  (Check out Zoe and Cyndi’s Monet yarn, it turned out so beautiful!)  Time to start looking around for inspiration–


New Semester and a New Year!

Hey Everyone!  I’m back!!!

After a month and a half of being home, I was ready to be back to the swing of things with classes and with The Twisted Purl.  The first 2-3 weeks of being home on break are always wonderful, but by the time my family heads back to work and school I become bored out of my mind and crave something to do other than watch TV in my pajamas!  Getting back to The Twisted Purl studio the Thursday of last week was just what I needed.  Cyndi and I launched back in with our old ways.  We asked each other about our holiday activities, then Cyndi got straight to work with explaining to me all the new things going on in the studio.  She has perfected the felted soap process, and now the soaps are better than ever, and she has made a few inventory changes.  But mostly, it felt like I had never left.  Then I told her the good news: I wrote an appeal letter to a committee here at Hendrix.  They met many times to discuss the letter, and they decided that my internship can count towards one of my credits for graduation.  So this internship is actually one of my classes!  Everything you are reading and seeing here on the blog, is actually some of my class work.

On Tuesday the real fun started.  Cyndi showed me how to dye fibers.  It was a lot like the tie-dying I did as a kid.  I made some solid colored rovings, but then Cyndi let me play.  Here are some photos of the dying process, and the finished fibers.  Cyndi even spun the two best into yarn!  I think the purple yarn with the gold string is the most beautiful.

twist   twistt   twisttttt

Hand Painted Roving by Zoe   Handspun Yarn by The Twisted Purl

Hand Painted Fiber by Zoe      Handspun Yarn by The Twisted Purl

Today was an especially fun day in the Twisted Purl studio.  Cyndi took me on a class field trip ;)!  (Woo!)  We went to Hobby Lobby, and roamed around every single isle hunting for things I could use to make a beautiful art batt to be spun into an even more beautiful yarn.  I ended up selecting some ribbon with roses, a headband, some bulky purple yarn, and some green furry yarn, which I referred to as the moss creature.  It was a lot of fun laying out my loot, and choosing bits of fluff hiding around the studio to make my very first. . . . wait for it. . . BASKET OF FLUFF!!!!!!


I selected a theme for my fluff so that I would have a solid idea of what I was looking for.  And it was just fun to see how close the yarn ended up matching the theme.  My theme was Claude Monet’s Water Lilies.  (P.S. that little rose pile of black, pink, and red was the headband I tore apart.)  Then, I turned the basket of fluff into two similar carded batts.  Do you guys think they look like the water lilies I printed out that are next to them?  Then Cyndi began spinning the batt into yarn. . . .

012   013

We finished today with the final yarn, which I think turned out very well.  It has material in it that reminds me of moss, and pink like the flowers on the water lilies.  Over all, I think it is definitely a Monet Yarn. 🙂

023  016

Until next week in The Twisted Purl studio!

Zoe B.

Love Partnering with Interns

In the summer of 2013, a good friend (and phenomenal potter), Chris Massingill, suggested hiring an intern to help with the constant workload.  I had never thought my business would qualify, basically because I work out of a home studio and it’s just me.  I always thought of internship being for huge corporations…like Google.  She assured me that all sizes and types of businesses hire interns.  She worked for a potter, one summer, mixing glazes right out of a home studio.

Zoe hand Painting Fiber
Our very first intern, Zoe, learning how to dye fiber using a hand painted method.

Being a big planner, I had to do my research and of course, put together a kick ass intern program.  There were a couple of things I knew up front.  There’s really not a tremendous profit in what I make.  The internship would be unpaid.  Okay, so that made me feel pretty awkward.  “Hey, how about you come into my house and do some work for me, but yeah, I’m not going to pay you!”  *gulp*  So with no money being offered, this internship must be a mutually beneficial relationship!  Yeah, they are working and doing some of the remedial tasks associated with running a business, but this would be fun and very educational as well.

Basket full of Carded Batts made by Kate
This basket of beautifully carded batts made by our intern, Kate.

The program consists of 8 sessions (which can last a week or several weeks).  There is a different focus each week and the intern learns all types of tricks and tips while being here. I’m passionate about fiber arts and yarn, and yarn, and did I mention YARN?  I wanted to partner with like-minded folks and pass on the passion.  Also, let myself be inspired by their creativity and energy as well!  This internship is a partnership.  Each intern is learning how to dye fibers, create carded batts, felt, and spin. Additionally, they learn what it is really like to run a full-time craft business.

Last Thursday was the first day Zoe played with dyes. I was so pleased with the outcome!  There were several colors needed for felted soaps but after that I told Zoe to have fun and paint whatever colors she wanted.  I shared with her a few techniques including a couple different ways to lay out the fiber and explained how the colors do bleed together.  Once the fiber got over freezing, defrosting, and drying, I couldn’t wait to turn it into yarn!  Above is photographs of both the hand painted roving Zoe created and the finished handspun yarn I made over the weekend.

As the weeks go by, please keep an eye out for blog posts from both our interns, Zoe and Kate.  They will be sharing about things they are learning and their journey with The Twisted Purl.  I adore my intern partnership with these two girls.  They have lots to say and you’ll love hearing from them too.  Also, there will be lots more from me on all the fun things happening in the studio. We will have a few really big announcements soon too!  Will share more as soon as I can.


Hello everyone, I’m Kate.  I hail from Kansas City, Missouri, study at Hendrix College, and, thanks to Cyndi, I AM THE TWISTED PURL’S NEWEST INTERN.  Yesterday concluded my first week at the Twisted Purl, and what a wonderful week it was. Let me break down a bit.

Day One:  I must admit that in addition to my overwhelming excitement, I was a tad nervous for my first day.  Although my passion for fibers (&  all things sheep) is fierce, I tend to be rather shy and quiet in new situations.  I needn’t have been nervous (duh), and as Cyndi spun a lovely skein of yarn before my eyes, I gradually stopped freaking out and began to enjoy the awesomeness that is the Twisted Purl studio.  Warm and colorful and crazy in a good way– that’s how I would describe it. Cyndi introduced me to the materials, equipment, and products of her business, and to finish off my first day I helped cut some labels for the felted soaps and portion off 4oz balls of yarn to be dyed later that afternoon.

Day Two: Woo! Carded batts! I learned how to use the drum carder! Cyndi started me with a rainbow batch, then bravely let me choose my own colors. (A secret: most of my art background is in charcoal drawing and black and white photography; color has always sort of scared me (so many possibilities!)).  Anyway, for my first solo batt, I blended yellow, peach, lavender, violet, and a reddish-purple.  To my surprise it turned out beautiful and springy and I loved it very much.  (I would show you but Cyndi stole it and wrapped it around some soaps before I snapped a photo, darn her.) I made three more, pictured below with the rainbow one we started with.

soft soft soft soft
soft soft soft soft


And that’s that! I feel addicted to craft already, and, needless to say, I can’t wait to make some more. I have a feeling I’ll get the chance in the weeks to come. Until next time–sheeps, hugs, & coffee mugs,
