The Twisted Purl

Time Management

Here is a picture of my Americana Roving. It was part of my productive day yesterday 🙂 I also made some yarn, I will try to post that later today. Any good business owner knows you have to have good time management to be successful. With this being said, I am trying to implement better

The Twisted Purl

It’s a good thing she’s cute!

Our little Daisy Mae…I turned my head for one minute and this is what I found. She had grabbed a tail of yarn hanging off my wrapping table. Thankfully, it wasn’t hand painted and it wasn’t anything that was too big of a deal. I caught her before she really got into chewing it or

The Twisted Purl

8 Reasons to Buy Handmade This Year!

I saw this today in the Etsy Forum from CozyCat. This is her blog and this is her Etsy Store. Be sure to check her out and buy handmade this season! 8 Reasons You Should Buy Handmade Products over Commercial Products 1. Handmade products are unique. Do you really want the same scarf, mug, earrings,

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