The Twisted Purl

Oh Me Oh My!

How on earth is time moving this quickly?!?! I am telling you! I have been a bad, bad blogger. My poor neglected blog. Tsk…tsk. It’s okay, you can let me have it! Things have been a bit crazy here lately. Daisy is getting a lot bigger. The picture above is of her napping in her […]

The Twisted Purl

Twisted Pets Tuesday

You know getting Daisy has been such a huge source of inspiration. I have been working on a ton of nifty pet toys! After careful consideration, I opened up an additional Etsy Store. Fiber and Pets just don’t go together. Twisted Pets will have tons of felted dog toys, pet clothes, and an occasional handmade

The Twisted Purl

I am a Featured Artist!

I am so excited! Denise Felton has featured me this week as her Artist of The Week! It was so fun. I even had to write a Haiku. Please check out her blog: Also, Denise makes some very neat items! I just love her classic style. Check out her Etsy Shop to see all

The Twisted Purl

Bearly There

Megan and her Halloween Bear CostumeNotice the tail? You gotta love the tail!!! Here is the costume that just about killed me making! Well, not really, but man it was an adventure. First thing, I had to learn to use the sewing machine my dear mother bought me last year for Christmas. Yes, I got

The Twisted Purl

Poor Neglected Blog

Oh my poor neglected blog. Where has this last week gone? Things have been busy, but not busy enough! I need to dedicate more time for everything! Today will be short and sweet. This is my new Rock N Roll Yarn. I love it! I want to use it for my own. Oh! And I

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