The Twisted Purl

Life on the Pond

As I sit, I’m looking out over the water, watching king fisher birds flap silently from tree to tree. My pond is my sanctuary. This place is my own personal paradise. This is coming from the girl that was afraid of all things creepy crawly when I was younger. I remember almost having a panic


Beaded Fingerless Gloves- A Finished Knitting Project!!!

Look a finished object! I know right? It’s amazing, I actually finished something. Ha! Last year during one of our trips I picked up this super fun Fingerless Bead Kit. It was quick, pretty easy, and the kit had everything I needed.  Plus who doesn’t need an adorable go to pair of handmade, knitted, fingerless

fun projects with kid cotton yarn
The Twisted Purl

Check out these fun projects with Kid Cotton Yarn!

Are you looking for some fun and quick projects to jump into? We came across a couple we think you will enjoy. These patterns also go great with yarn we have online. We still have a good amount of Kid Cotton left in our inventory. [ttfmp_woocomerce_product_grid section_id=”builder-section-productgrid_449″ columns=”2″ type=”all” taxonomy=”tag_kidcotton” sortby=”menu_order” count=”9″ thumb=”1″ rating=”0″ price=”1″

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