Etsy members are full of extraordinary, extremely talented artists. AREtsy Street Team decided they wanted to see how many of these members could ban together and upload their photos. Flickr, a partner with Yahoo, is an awesome website, where members can upload photos and share with the world all their pictures. What better place to see all the wonderful pictures from Etsy members than Flickr. AREtsy has put out a challenge to each and every Etsy member. They want to see One Million Pictures of your art and crafts. Yes ONE MILLION!

The Flickr group is called Etsy Artsist Rule: One Million Picture Pool. It can be found here:

The group is open to any and hopefully all Etsy members.

To have such a challenge put out of 1,000,000 pictures uploaded would be enough, right? Not so! There is also a side challenge AREtsy has issued to all Etsy Street Teams, who dare to take the challenge. They are asking all Street Teams to ban together for this cause. AREtsy has issued a friendly challenge to see which Etsy Street Team can bring the most photos to the picture pool. If your team wants to be a part of the challenge all they have to do is to send a message to their members explaining these rules:

*Join the Etsy Artists Rule: One Million Picture Pool
*Have all their members add their street team name in the picture tag along with their Etsy Shop Name.
*Post a message on this forum:
With their Street Team name, so we know who to check to track.

The challenge was officially started at 2:57 EST on January 12, 2008. At 5:31 EST Flickr broke. They claim it was a server issue problem. We are sure Etsy bombarding them with almost 2,000 photos in such a short time couldn’t have had anything to do with it. That’s right within the first two and a half hours they had 1,998 pictures uploaded into the group’s database. Proving Etsy Artists do rule.

At 10:35 EST, after a 5 hour “Massage” Flickr came back up and the race was on once again. Within the first ten minutes the count was already up to 2,065 with 120 members.
Over the night, there were 1,000 plus photos uploaded. This brought the total count up to 3,149. Can you believe it? By 9:00 AM EST the ball was rolling again. By Sunday evening, the count hit 5,000. Sunday did bring in more massages for Flickr…the one Saturday night must have been so great, they rushed out to get another one.

At the time of this posting, the count was up to 6,401 with 307 members and 12 Street Teams in the side challenge. Whoooohoooo!

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